We love to read and have accumulated many books over the years as many of you have also. What do you do with all your books? I have been using some of them an a peculiar way and I would like to share this with you. I stack them to regulate the height of objects and lamps in my table top arrangements. Here are a few examples of how I use books for this.
You cannot see the table thank goodness, because it is modern and ugly but it does the trick.
More books on top of the display cabinet in the entrance way. These are my Knitting Books. I try to keep all the knitting books and recipe books and Essential Oil reference books all together so that I don't end up running all over the house to find a certain book. There is some logic in the process.
My Spinning wheel has a home in the entrance hall also and you will find more knitting books.
There is a half wall between the front door and the livingroom. The stairway is the divider and I have grouped books on this shelf on top of the half wall. I rather like this arrangement and have mixed other items and a small lamp on the shelf.
Here in the bedroom I have both lamps sitting on a stack of books to bring them up to the proper height for reading in bed. This is just a yard sale ginger jar lamp that I have gussied up with a ribbon and a large candle ring to make it pretty.
I love my round table beside the bed because I can stash things under it to hide them. Notice lamp on stack of books.
Close up of the lamp that I dressed up with ribbon and silk flowers. Sweet huh?! The shade sort of looks like an Easter bonnet.
You will notice the Essential Oil bottles all over the house. These herbal remedies have become such a big part of our lives in the past 12 years that we use them often throughout the day so they are always at the ready.
Many women I know have an unbalanced endocrine system so they are always tired. Essential Oils can be applied topically to the adrenal gland and will give much needed support to the endocrine system. I can't tell you what I've personally been through right now but I've come a long way. It was a personal crisis that turned me toward Natural Products and away from drugs & chemicals 12 years ago. If you would like to know more please visit my website and watch the videos: http://www.2feelgood.com/ Then contact me for further information.
May You Be Blessed and Live In Joy~ ~ ~Ahrisha
Great post! I love how you have creatively used books as part of your decorating.
I've never thought of putting books under a lamp. I'm going to try it, what a great idea. I love how your books live with you in your space.
Wow - I never thought of all those uses for books. Thanks for the creative ideas.
I have a bottle of lavendar oil and I love using it!
I was looking for something on Amazon and came across our Churchill, Brook Dishes. Let me quote you some of the prices, I think you'll agree we got a good deal at Boscov's. $189.95 for our set, $139.00 for a Tea Pot, $51.99 for a 20pc./service for 4 set, $51.99 5pc. Completer Set, and $44.00 for 4 cups and saucers.
I did see some things on eBay also and they were a decent price but I didn't write down any of those prices. Just thought I'd share with you.
Ohhh.......I use my books under lamps and some other ways also. But you did 'jar my memory' as to where I can use them to raise up a birdcage on the windowsill in our living room. It is hidden by the sofa in front of the window. THANKS ;)
Hi Ahrisha,
Thank you for visiting me again. I enjoyed reading your comment tremendously. I always LOVE hearing about people giving quilting a try. It is REALLY fun. I haven't quilted but for about three years myself, and absolutely love it. Please post pictures of your quilt on your blog when you are done, okay? :)
Take care!
Wonderful post about books! :o)
btw...you may want to check your email. ;o)
I love books but I have never thought to use them in a such creative way. Good idea!
Thanks for visiting me and don't worry if you can't write Italian Bye,ciao.
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