The lavender and the blue prints are aprons. The blue one with the red flowers I will use for a pattern because I love the style. Never saw one like this before. Hope to get it sewn up this week on one of the rainy days we are expecting. The lavender one I may use for trim for other aprons. Both aprons have holes in them.
7 pretty lace pieces. A few are sort of ragged but thought I would use them for trim on aprons I am making. One long piece will look nice across the back of the sofa.
3 new Irish Linen napkins and 3 monogramed with a C.

A few dish towels.
Assorted other pieces like hankies and pretty yellow yardage that is very sheer.
2 amazing tablecloths, one is white and still had part of the tag glued on and the other is pale pink.
Guess I had a pretty good day. I know I really enjoyed myself. I just had to share because I know you gals just love a great deal. ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
The tablecloths are lovely ~ I'm happy for you!
What great finds! I'll have to keep an eye out for those different items at the next flea market I go to.
lovely lovely finds! Wooo weee....
I promise I've been meaning to e-mail you but life is sooooooo crazy at the moment. I can hardly keep up on it all. My e-mail is
Chelsea Ann
Good Morning,
I haven’t touched base in awhile, so I thought I’d see if your part of the world is rainy too? Getting ready for the Herb Festival at Landis Valley so I haven’t been visiting the blog world for weeks-feel so out of touch!
I used to go to Shupps pretty frequently with my mom, but as she is now 84 it is a bit much for her anymore. You got some fantastic buys! Have you ever been to any of the Extravaganzas? I have a friend who is a vendor. I have never yet been to one, but am putting it on my “to do” list for this year.
Aren’t you glad Spring is finally here!
Hi Arisha ~ I have a very soft spot for antique linens and fabric too, and just love using them around the house every day.
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
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