Just a short note to wish the Happiest of Easters to you and yours.
The Christmas, Valentines tree is still up and is now an Easter tree. I have decorated it with glitter eggs and old Easter post cards. There are also little straw Easter bonnets strewn over the tree,
I am enjoying it so much but I have vowed to take it down just after Easter.
We had friends for dinner this past Saturday and Charlotte thought it would make a swell 4th. of July tree because of the Stars-on-Sticks that I have jutting out of the top of the tree. They are gold and sparkly and they would indeed celebrate the 4th. in style. Thinking, thinking, thinking!
I could buy some red, white & blue ribbon couldn't I? Time will tell.
Oh yeah, Stopped at Goodwill yesterday and made this amazing purchase. I have wanted a SPRING banner for some time now. So there was this pristine box with glittery letters spelling Spring and I grabbed it for $1.97. When I got home and opened the box there were actually 3 springs on the ribbon. Did a happy & grateful dance and hung the banner. Sweet!
Life is very good! Have a wonderful weekend. ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
I don't think I have ever seen an Easter... does the Easter bunny put presents under the tree?
Dear Ahrisha .... the happiest of Easter holidays to you.
I love your holiday/seasonal tree. It really would make a smashing 4th of July tree too!
And YAY for good thrift finds!!
Happy Easter!
Hi Arisha,
I got my dished today, I love them. :) Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter.
Love your tree idea......
Wow...you sure get your use out of your holiday tree!! Great idea!!! and the 4th of July....go for it girl!
Love the tree. I'm so tempted to leave one of my trees up next Christmas and decorate it for all of the holidays. You have inspired me, thank you.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I love it when people stop by and leave comments.
Hi Ahrisha and it's so nice to meet you! Thanks for popping in to see me and my organized drawers. That doesn't sound right, does it! :) Oh, I love the ideaa of the holiday tree! It's Easterness is just precious! I hope you'll come back sometimes.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Lovely blog yoou have here
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