April 23, 2009

Remember Washlines?

Greetings Friends~ ~ ~I was outside today taking some pictures on this lovely, sunny, slightly breezy day. Thought I would share them with you along with my ideas about washlines. I would love to hear your ideas too.
Do you remember your Mother hanging clothes outside on the line? Remember how sweet the wash smelled when you brought it inside?

I was visiting another blog and she had posted pics of pretty clothes pins she purchased that were painted pastel colors then decorated with tiny flowers. How sweet these would look on the washline holding my sheets in this lovely Spring breeze.

Maybe I'll have to paint some clothpins. . .What if I put up a washline?
Yeah I know, more difficult then throwing things in the dryer but it's greener!
What if I just hung a few things out like sheets and maybe towels?

Tell me what you think. Would you be willing to do the extra work to have your things smell sweet & sunny or not? Maybe you already hang clothes outside. Leave a comment and let's chat.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~


Victoria Hayden said...

Arisha~thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment! I do remember washlines! My aunt in Ca. still uses hers. She has 10 acres and nobody is close, so when we visit we go out in our pjs to hang clothes on the line. Love the sunshine and crisp sheets! Have a great day!!


JoAnn said...

I do have a washline. It's a retractable one that I pull out and anchor to a post, the retract it back in when not in use. I love to hang t-shirts, sheets, and shorts outside in the summer. But, I have to remember to wait until the tree pollen has subsided first :(

Paula said...

Absolutely! I love clotheslines and have used one often. We don't have one at this house, but have been thinking about putting one in also. There's just something wonderful about the sun-drenched smell of fresh sheets from the line.

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

YES...YES...YES...I love to hang my sheets out....but do I do it....no....just no time....years ago I hung everyhing out on a washlines...we had no dryer....I guess now a days we are all so busy just no time....but on the other had I have to wash my sheets tomorrow...I think I will hang them out....Thank You for this post...I bet I sleep better tomorrow night.....
Thank You for you sweet comment....and lovely to meet you to.....
Mo :-)

Anonymous said...

My sheets are on the line as I type! Such a beautiful spring day I couldn't resist! What a beautiful blog! I'm adding you into my favorites!!

Melissa (MJF)
ps your recipes are on the way!

Chelsea Ann said...

Thanks for you comment. I would love to know more about what your talking about with the mineral supplement. I need some major help but I also want to make smart decisions. Money is tight and we are also trying to get pregnant. I want to be healthy from the inside out. Feel free to e-mail me. Thanks!
Chelsea Ann

Joyce said...

We are not allowed to hang outside and most planned developments have these nutty rules. There is nothing like a fresh set of sheets that are hung on the line and placed on the bed. I remember as a kid running under the clothing as the wind would flap them in the breeze. I also remember things freezing hard as a board in the winter too. Thanks for the memories.

Mrs. Cozy Home said...

We're not allowed either -- we have such strict rules in our neighborhood!

I would love if my linens smelled of natural, fresh air rather than having to BUY "clean air" scented dryer sheets!! HA!

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

Hi Ahrisha,
I was look for my receipt from the booth where I bought the drawer pulls and finely found it....I hope this helps you get your Pink pulls.....it is called "Diane's Country Corner" phone # 562-949-1497....they do not have a web...I look on line for one...hope this helps and good luck....
I do love the shelf your Hubby made you and you are right the Pink pulls would look great....
Mo ;-)

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

I have been thinking about doing this again. I grew up with no dryer until I got married. I would do it and I am going to. My daughter just started using less electricity by not using the dishwasher and now starting to go to the clothesline. Just the little changes she has made she has cut electricity wattage half from Dec. and dropped her electricity bill $20.
I am loving your blog. Hugs, Bobbi Jo