June 1, 2009

Metamorphosis Monday Table Redo

Greetings Friends~ ~ ~
I've got a table redo to share with you today so I am participating in "Metamorphosis Monday" over at Susan's blog http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ Susan hosts this event every Monday so be sure to pop in for a visit and see all the wonderful blogs who are joining in for the fun.

Remember this table that I was given? Here is how it looked when I received it a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure where I was going to use it but I knew that it had to be painted because it is in such bad shape. The veneer on the top edges was pulling up and rippled. It looked like it had been out in the rain and gotten really soaked. I used wood glue to paste the edges down and weighed them with books to get them to lay flat. Then I sanded and put on 2 coats of Kilz and 2 coats of Cottage White from Behr paints. This shade is my favorite white, it's actually a creamy white if you look at it next to white chips and works great in my home.

This is the transformation in it's new home, our screened porch. The table now has a new life as our picnic table. I love the way it looks here but now I need a few chairs to go with it. I stopped at a few yard sales this weekend and found a nice wooden chair already painted white for just $7. I have a chair that I've got to paint so 2 chairs down and at least 4 more to go. I've been talking to the chair fairies and they promised to have more on the way to me this week!

Our neighbors had this cute little table sitting on their front porch for a few weeks. It was during the rainy spell we had and I kept looking at it and wondering why they left it out in the rain. I mentioned to them that if they were planning to dispose of it that I would take it off their hands so it's mine now. I'm planning to sand and paint it this week. It will look great in the sunroom. Don't you love a bargain?. . .and free is the best!
Above is the table in the screened porch. I have got some serious work to do to get this room into shape. It's a little cool here today so this might be a good day. Hum, Should I sand the table or clean up the screened porch? So much to do. Would you like to stop by and help?
I've got to post pictures of the chest and buffet in the screened porch soon. You can see the drawers in the photo above. These 2 pieces were part of my Mom & Dads bedroom suite when they got married back in 1950. I really need some ideas of how to transform them also. Subject for another Metamorphsis Monday.
Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your comments. See you all then~ ~Ahrisha~ ~


JoAnn said...

The table turned out beautifully! You have the knack for finding the deals!

Unknown said...

That table looks fantastic! I didn't know you could paint over laminate! Nice job!
Have a Happy Week!
~Really Rainey~

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Both tables are just gorgeous. I love the pretty creamy color. One table for dining and one for playing games or just reading, crafting or whatever. That sounds super to me. Love them both. Hugs, Marty

Tootsie said...

KILZ???? you are my hero! that stuff stinks!!! lol...but it works like magic. The table looks sensational! good job. Love the color you mentioned...it is not so stark of a white...
can't wait to see the other one finished. Thanks for the visit today...I am having trouble getting around to all of my bloggies lately and it is almost easier to reply! Will try to be a better visitor!

Anonymous said...

Your newly painted table is beautiful and your new table...what a great deal, I wish I lived closer to you so we could go shopping! Looking forward to seeing more porch additions, I'm sure the chair faeries are listening!!!

Lisa (aka) French said...

The table turned out gorgeous!!! As far as reupholstering...my only suggestion is what I did was take pics of chair as I was removing old fabric that way I have sort of an idea of where and how to start;) Hope that helps a little;) French

Karin said...

Your table turned out just gorgeous! I've always wanted a screened in porch or sunroom ~ you are very fortunate to have such a lovely space to decorate ~ looking forward to more of your redos:)


Kammy said...

Love your table and that new table will be terrific too ! I am so jealous that you have a screened porch !
Hugs ~ Kammy

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love how the table turned out. It looks fabulous. You sound a lot like me, I tend to bring in stray furniture too.

Laurel said...

The table looks great. Can't wait to see the reveal of the free one. Behr Cottage White is one of my all time favorite paint colors. I love whites but that one is the one I tend to go back to when trying to find the right white! Good luck!

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