The cookies are Martha's recipe for Oatmeal Raisin. The change I made to the recipe was to soak the rasins in a little Brandy and hot water to soften them up. Yummy. Whenever I use raisins in a recipe I soak them in Brandy. Try it sometime.
The sweet pale pink roses are called "Celciana" an old fashioned rose. Some don't like the fact that this rose is rather small 3" or so. I love that the center is yellow and shows and the rose looks a little bit shaggy. This little rose has an amazing personality. One blossom will perfume a whole room. Three cheers for Celciana! Here have a closer look.
Aren't they lovely?
More flowers from the garden for your viewing pleasure. I love having flowers around the house.
Have a wonderful weekend~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Your flowers are lovely....and the cookies....I can just smell them baking. Yummmm!!
Oh yes, I love to blump my raisins before adding them to cookies or whatnots. Nice post. Are these as good as the Quaker Oats recipe?
It was also too cool and rainy in Lackawanna county today, so we made a roast pork! Doesn't the warmth from the oven take the drear out of such a dreary day??? You cookies look yummy. Nancy
Hi Ahrisha, Your cookies look so good...I'm going to remember the raisin trick! Love your pretty roses! Wanted to let you know I just published a post that also has a pic of the magnolia tree that you asked about. :-)
The cookies look delicious! I'm glad Mr. Linky came back so you could post this great recipe. What a great way to spend a rainy day--baking!
XX 00
Your cookies sound wonderful with the brandy-plumped raisins.
Beautiful roses! I love having flowers from my own garden in the house too.
I want some cookies! I hope you had a happy Foodie Friday and are having a great weekend ~ Susan
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