June 22, 2009

A Helping Hand

Greetings Friends~ ~ ~

I am so glad the rain has stopped so that we can get into the garden and pick the bounty there. Right now we are picking hull peas and sugar peas. In another 2 days I will be picking string beans. The first two rows on the left are hull peas then sugar peas.

I planted 5 different types of lettuce this year plus spinach and we have been eating some wonderful salads. I planted a lettuce called "mascara" and as you can see here it is almost gone. We liked it very much. We had a week of weather in the 90's a few weeks ago so the radishes went to seed and we got nothing but seeds for next year.

Isn't it amazing how a seed can go from this~ ~ ~

~ ~to this!

I am very glad for these helping hands of my Mothers to clean all the peas. We sit outside at the picnic table and chat while we clean peas. I think it's an Amish saying that goes like this. . .Many hands make light work. Enjoy your day~ ~ ~Ahrisha


JoAnn said...

What a bountious garden you have! Those peas look so yummy - I'd probably be eating one for every one I'd keep. So nice to hear about you and your mom spending time together shelling the peas. Sounds very relaxing.
Enjoy your day!

Nicole Feliciano said...

I love peas. A little seasame oil and a touch of soy sauce. yum.

Henya said...

What a bountiful garden you have. Those peas look so good. I remember when my 12 year old was about four I took him with me pea picking. I explained that I will put the peas in the basket and he can put his peas in his mouth. Aster about 20 minutes I heard heartrending sobs. I flew to him, asking what is wrong? He told me "I can not eat any more, but there is so much left". Poor kid thought he had to eat it all.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden you have! I'm so jealous!!! Had to stop by for a visit, I've been down with a cold/flu (in June??!!?) and finally trying to catch up on my blog! Glad you stopped by, thank you!!!!

Laurel said...

Look at that garden. I am so envious of your space!!! Your peas are gorgeous and your flea market finds are adorable. Enjoy!