Hello Friends~ ~ ~
Yes, It's January 1, 2010 Happy New Year to you.
What I am really longing for is to get my hands in the dirt
and grow some beautiful flowers.

Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

All of these lovely blooms are from my gardens.

For all of you who live where it's warm all year. I'm so jealous.
I have one peony bush and it this red stunner.
I love it when you can see the yellow centers, don't you?

Isn't this Honey Dijon rose amazing?
Wishing you the Best this year.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Oh Arisha, that honey dijon rose is exquisite. I've never heard of that variety and I adore the color. Your arrangements are beautiful. I feel your pain about not being able to get outdoors and fuss around in the soil. I think that's what bothers me about winter the most...the confinement. When I was young, we all went skiing and I prayed for snow. But if you don't enjoy a winter sport, there's not much else to do outside except shoveling!
I feel lucky now to be able to go south for the worst months of winter. We have a small patio off the back of our condo where I grow jasmine and roses. It's just a tiny bit of greenery and color but satisfies my need.
I'll be in touch to see what you're doing over the winter...I'm sure you'll be up to something!
My goodness your garden is glorious. Ahh - winter is time for rest - even for the garden! It's time to scuff around a bit and let our hair grow long ;-) Looking forward to seeing your spring blooms. Happy New year!
I can't believe you grew those gorgeous flowers. I do not have a green thumb. Wish I did.
I do love your bottles.
Thanks for visiting.
YOUR FLOWERS ARE AMAZING. Thanks for stopping by and be becoming a follower.
I'm following you as well so I can get some gardening TIPS!!!
What beautiful photos! Wishing you a blooming good New Year! :)
Thank you for your inspiring words on my sugar free post today Ahrisha! I imagine I could learn a great deal from you and would love to know more about your "joyously living life" Its funny, I mentioned today that sugar also "steals my joy" today in my post..small world...
Your flowers are exquisite and obviously are reaping the benefits of your karma~
To a Great Year!
Eileen G.
Oh My gosh....your flowers are amazing...Just beautiful...
Just an FYI...I did make two chair bows from a valance...turned out great...I just didn't get the bow effect I wanted in the back of the chair...but those chairs are against the wall...
Happy New Year...
Mo ;-)
Your garden must be so beautiful! I haven't dipped my hands into the soil since we moved to our new (to us) house a few years ago, but I've ordered some poppy seeds and seed trays to start my hand again this year.
Do you like to plant seeds too?
Lovely floral bouquets but I would rather be owned by Afghans...sigh
I am so glad you are going to make the powder shakers....they are fun and your ladies will love them.....
Mo ;-)
Beautiful flowers!! It makes me wish spring were here.
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