I have been folding paper and glueing and glittering and just having fun. Do you want to help?
Below is the wreath about half way finished. You use an old book and tear the pages out, ouch! Hope that didn't hurt anyone. I used one I had around the house purchased many years ago at a second hand book store. I wanted a book with old yellow pages.
A word of caution here, when you dirty the edges of the book before you begin make it really dirty so that it shows up on each page if you want a grungy look. I used my old coffee filter from breakfast and rubbed the edges of the book with the damp filter with the coffee wrapped inside. I also used some cinnamon like Eileen did over at Stars Fault. I wish I had made my edges darker but all in all it looks pretty good.
What do you think? It seems like lots of gals are making these wreaths. You might want to give it a try. Lindsay did a tutorial on making the wreath and you can access her blog from a link on Eileen's blog. Be sure to look at both blogs before you begin. Each gal made hers a little different and you can decide how you will do yours.
Here is the wreath hanging on a door into the kitchen from the office.
I also want to share another craft I did last summer. Can you spot it hanging on my shelf?
It's the little can with a hanger. I'll give you the how tos later.
My Beloved made this shelf for me last summer and I'm finally getting the finishing touches on it. I looked and looked for the perfect hooks for the shelf and just couldn't find the right thing till I spotted these at a local shop.
I love them. They were dark iron so I had to paint them white. Now I need to put
a little white paint on each nail head to finish them off.
The shelf hangs above the desk in my office to create a sweet little space to do my work.
A close up of the little birdies.
Love roosters. .and chickens.
Beside the books is a basket filled with yarn. I'm waiting for it to speak to me and tell me what it wants to be!
This is a close up of the can. I thought it had a cute vintage label and I wanted to keep it around. I carefully cut off the lid leaving 2 small round tabs on each side of the can. I used a tin snipper to trim the tabs and round the edges. Then with a leather punch I poked a whole in the center of the tab. Run a pretty piece of ribbon through the tabs to make a handle and fill with flowers.
Have fun with these and be sure to let me know when I can come for a visit and see your results.
Happy Crafting
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
That wreath turned out great! I saw several blogs that were making them over the holidays. I might give it a try next holiday season.
Oh my, that wreath is so cool! It looks great from afar - you get more of the poofy effect.
I love your desk nook area. It looks so cozy, I bet you never want to leave. So many homey treasures to look at.
I love your wreath. It looks great! I've been wanting to do one since I saw Lindsay's but haven't had a chance. This is inspiring me to get moving on my to do list :).
Blessings in 2010,
Ahrisha amor, I love that paper wreath, it came out really lovely! I loved Eileens too, she does some wonderful projects :) I am also lovin that shelf your hubby made and those bird hooks, my stars I have never seen those! I imagine a lil antique bebe dress on a lil wood hanger hangin from one :) I will have too look around here and see if I can find something similar :) Also, thank you for your sweet comment on our wedding anniversary and Happy Anniversary to not only you and your amor but to you parents too, how wonderful is that!! I bit the bullet and had to agree with mr wonderful and everyone else that it has been 21 years....ugh the agony..I just can't tell ya :) I hope that you have a wonderful New Year filled with lots of love, laughter and all good things for 2010! I hope we get to visit each other more in the New Year :) Besos, Rose
Yes, we do have much in common. Especially location! Don't you just love living in Lancaster Co? I do.. except on stinky tuesday... that's what we call the day in early spring when the farmers decide to fertilize their fields and you can't open the windows! Oh well, one little flaw in almost paradise ( and we have that too!).
I just love your beautiful wreath. So very creative. I host a book club and wouldn't that be a great way to great all my readers?
I love your style!
Hi Ahrisha,
Thanks for visiting my blog, leaving such a nice comment and becoming a follower! Lancaster is about an hour plus from us. We usually visit there about once a year. We use to camp there too (RV style). It is just beautiful. Well, all of SE PA is beautiful!
I love your paper wreath - it is so full - makes it just stand out beautifully. Your desk area and that lovely white shelf..I wish I had that! I didn't even see the little birds until you pointed it out. Great hooks! I have a white shelf in my hallway to the laundry room/garage that I got at Lands End or LL Bean. Pottery Barn's were too expensive and we love having a place to hang our coats that is close to the door. Well, looks like we're sort of neighbors and blogging buddies.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
What a great little area to do your blogging and thinking. I love the shelf above it, with its birdie hooks! I like the wreath, too. Maybe one of these days I'll sit myself down to make one. If I can ever get done taking Christmas decorations down and put away! The little can and the vase both anticipating spring are precious. As I look out upon a blanket of snow, I'm wishing the weather was warm and there were leaves on the trees. I guess 3 months isn't that far away! I'm off to use the snow blower. Take care!
HI! I hopped over here from Susan's blog when I saw your comment about being from Lancaster couty! I live in Landenberg, Pa. the very southeast TIP of Pa. where Pa., De., and Md. all join. I don't have a blog but you can e-mail me. I think it would be fun to meet for lunch sometime too! Let me know if you can arrange something! Pinky
Fabulous wreath! I'll have to check out the tutorial. It is so textural!!
Hi Pinky~ ~
I would love to put you on the luncheon list and see what I can do to get a few more gals together. It would be great fun.
Please go to my profile and email me your email address. Then it won't be public, just me. Let's see who else responds.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Hi - Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. We are practically neighbors in blogland. I am in Lansdale, right off the NE Extension. I loved the pictures you took of the cows. Lancaster County is so pretty anytime of year, so many parts still underdeveloped. I am now a follower.
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