Hello Friends~ ~ ~
My thanks to Michael at
Designs By Gollum for hosting this Foodie Friday. Click the link to see the list of others who have joined in the fun.
Our garden is prolific with vegetables this year and we have been busy canning. Yesterday we pickled beets for the pantry. Here they are after a good washing and scrubbing.

We cooked and sliced them and put them in jars. As I was filling my second jar I poured the boiling juice down the outside of the jar and onto my hand. Ouch! Very bad burn. This is exactly why I keep a bottle of Lavender Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil by the sink at all times. Nothing sooths and repairs a burn better. I put a few drops on my poor burned 3 middle fingers. A few minutes later I put a few more drops on. I might have done this 6 or 7 times during the day. The pain lessened quickly, within minutes. The burn did not blister but my fingers did feel thick and my the morning it was as if it never happened. Hey, I'm typing!

I must stress that you must use Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Many of the oils you purchase at the health food stores have been cut with chemicals to stretch them so that they can sell them at lesser prices. Concerning essential oils, you really do get what you pay for. Even though the bottle will say 100% pure they can say that with as little as 5% pure oil in the bottle. Young Living Essential Oils are totally pure and of the highest quality. Please believe me when I say do not use inferior oils. I have been sharing these oils for 12 years now and have seen amazing results.

You may be thinking, I've got a medicine chest full of drugs for these occurances. I would like to share with you how to go the Natural route. Going Green in every aspect of our lives is big right now and good thing too. How about thinking about Going Green with your health care? I did 12 years ago and I haven't looked back. I have no drugs in my house, not even an aspirin. For every occurance that happens I have an essential oil that will deal with it naturally. Giving the body what it needs to repair itself. If this makes sense to you Please consider learning more about going green for your health. Visit my website ~
http://www.2feelgood.com/ ~ and see how you can begin living a more natural lifestyle.

The recipe I use for my Pickled Beets comes from the Mennonite Community Cookbook by Mary Emma Showalter. It's a cooking bible in this area of the country. Filled with many Pennsylvania Dutch recipes.

Don't they look like garnets & rubies in the jars?
So pretty!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone~ ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
They do look like jewels in a jar:-). I'm glad you had an essential oil to help with the burn.
We have been getting red beets with our weekly "farmers delivery" and I just peeled and grated them raw into salad. Wow, you have that many to jar them, wonderful!
We love pickled beets. Hmmm I may have to head out to the farmers market. I sadly grow lousy vegetables. Great flowers though to make up for it.
When ever I can something I always enjoy looking at the sparkling, bright jars filled with beautiful food. Works of art.
Your pickled beets do look like jewels. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment. In answer to your question about my tea cup collection. They are not just for show.....I use them all the time. Nothing better than a special tea cup:) Glad your hand is better.
I'm glad your hand is okay. your canned beets are beautiful. Beets are something I think I decided I didn't like when I was a child--maybe it's time to see if my taste buds have changed :)
Oh my gosh, I love fresh beets, they are so sweet. I went to the neighbors who sells them and bought some to make pickled eggs, before I made the eggs I ate some beets...so sweet. My daughter took some home to make for her family. I should get busy and can some.
Fresh beets are the best and your jars look so pretty.
Your beets are just beautiful! Love that rich color. Sorry about your burn. Have a great weekend.
What a great recipe and what helpful information about essential oils. I never knew the difference.
I enjoyed visiting!
Arisha, that's really interesting about the esssential oils. My naturopath says the same thing about a certain herb company, and she will only buy from there because of the purity.
Thanks for the info.
Happy Foodie Friday...
Sheila :-)
I love beets...roasted ones especially in arugula and roasted beet salad with goat's milk chevre to be exact:) I also burned my hand pouring boiling water once...OUCH! That hurt so much. Wish I had had access to your medicine then. Beginning August 5, I will be hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays at diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com. I hope you will join me and, hopefully, share in the giveaways:)
I haven't made pickled beets in many years - I do love them, though!
Sorry about your burn. I'm glad you were able to heal up pretty quickly. Good information about the essential oils.
It's been many years since we canned beets here. I haven't had them years. But they sure do look pretty. ~ Robyn
Hi There! Your canned beets look gorgeous! The color is so rich, and doesn't it make you SO happy to see all of your food lined up and ready to go into the pantry?
Thank you thank you for stopping by! The beets look lovely - I am getting ready to post on how NOT prolific my garden is this year. It has been so cold.
Thank you for all the info about the oils - I have only tired Tea Tree but you have inspired me - we don't take medicine around here either.
When I saw your beets I thought "ohh, stains on your hands" but only because once when I was little my mother "let" me handle beets without gloves and my hands were stained forever (yep, still a little stained, giggle). Everything looks wonderful. Again, jealous of your garden! And thanks for the comments, you're sweet!
I am not a beet fan, but those look so beautiful!
I started using nettle in my tea a couple of years ago and now seldom have to take any allergy meds. It is a blessing:)
Those beets look so good, I'll have to remember to add them to my grocery list this week. My grandmother often made pickled beets and of course dyed hard boiled eggs in beet juice to use with her potato salad. Do you cook the beet greens?????
Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the birds. :)
Til next time......
Looks delish! We haven't done beets but we harvested a small bushel of purple and 1015 onions before the drought took over.
Thanks for stopping by, Candy
Oh my, I loved those beets from the canned jars we kept in the cellar! Tasted so good with fried chicken or beans and cornbread and okra!
I adore pickled beets! I'm a firm believer that anyone who says they don't like beets either hasn't actually tried them, or just hasn't had the right ones. Yours are gorgeous!
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