May 5, 2010

Sooo Much Fun and Antiques Too

Greetings Friends~ ~ ~

When I realized that Yvonne of StoneGable and I lived nearby I did the neighborly thing, I invited her for lunch. I remembered her saying that she loved these napkin rings when I posted them so I used them on the vintage tablecloth I picked up at an antique shop for $3. You know how I love a bargain!

Isn't this cloth sweet? The doily is one that Mom tatted she does such nice hand work. Of course the sweet Kitty Cat is on the window sill beside the bird nest and the bowl of hickory nuts. If there is a party, he's there.

I set a table in the sunroom and layered the cloth over a lace one. I love layers. The pretty yellow box is for Yvonne. You will have to stop by her blog for a visit to see what was inside the box.

We started with a salad of Romaine lettuce topped with my home canned red beets, sliced red onion, sliced mushrooms and toasted walnuts. My Famous Blue Cheese dressing needs hearty greens and ingredients to stand up to it.

Ahrisha's Blue Cheese Dressing
1 C. Hellmans Mayo
2 T. chopped onion
2-3 T. Plum Vinegar
2 Lg. Garlic Cloves, minced
4 tsp. Dijon Mustard
2/3 C. Crumbled Blue Cheese
6 T. Whipping Cream
Whisk together first 5 ingredients
Then whisk in whipping cream
fold in Blue Cheese.
Keeps for a few days in the fridge.

We also had Crab and Shrimp Strata but I didn't get a decent picture.

Dessert was Grand Marnier Sabayon and Strawberrys.

I had a feeling about this luncheon and us girls just chatting away so I mixed the sabayon and the berry's ahead of time which was a good thing cause the chatter never stopped. We had so much to talk about we have decided to get together again soon.

If you make the sabayon, nap the berry's with the sauce just before you serve them.
I like to keep the berry's at room temp and the sabayon in the fridge. I dislike cold berry's.

6 lg. egg yolks
1/3 C. Sugar
1/4 cup Grand Marnier
Wish in the top of a double boiler over simmering water
4-6 minutes till sauce just holds a ribbon when
you lift the spoon. Cool then chill.

Yvonne and I had such a great time. Were it not for blogging we would have never met.
She brought me this lovely cloche. It's the perfect size for a cupcake! You know how I love cupcakes. I had better get baking.

After lunch we left the house and did a little antiquing. I took Yvonne to one of my favorite shops and I found this! Yvonne called it the deal of the day for only $21.00.
I have been looking for a soup tureen that wouldn't cost me a fortune. What luck it's a real beauty, don't you think?
I don't think it's old but Oh so sweet.

Swan handles and nob on the lid.

The plate is so beautiful. I can't stand it!
Be still my heart!

Lest you think Yvonne got out of the shop unscathed, not.
Stop by and be sure to ask her what she purchased.
If you live nearby be sure to let us know
if you would want to get together. It would
be so much fun to have a group and
you would be welcome to join us.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm so pleased that I can refer you to her lovely blog.
Also, Paula paints signs and has a Etsy Shop
so please take a look at her
Beautiful Signs.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm linking to 4 Blog party's this week.

Susan @ BetweenNapsOnThePorch

Cindy @ MyRomanticHome

Michael Lee @ DesignsByGollum

Follow the links to see who is joining the party this week.
I love blogging and all of you who visit
and those who take the time to comment.
We all have busy lives and I really do appreciate all of you.
Make it a Great weekend
~ ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~ ~


Allie and Pattie said...

Lucky you! Yvonne is one of my favorite Blogger friends and I'm sure the two of you had a lovely day!! That tureen is GORGEOUS!!
xoxo Pattie

Unknown said...

Arisha..what a wonderful day you had with the lovely Yvonne (can I be just the littlest bit jealous, lol). Your tureen is just over-the-top gorgeous! You are an incredible hostess :)


Blondie's Journal said...

I LOVE when bloggers meet and you and Yvonne are SO lucky!! Your table looked spectacular Ahrisha, and the menu and pictures just wonderful. I have to try your salad sounds amazing!!

Your soup tureen is exactly what I have been looking for. And they are expensive. I love your turkey plate also!

I am so glad you had a great time!! :-)


The Charm of Home said...

Oh, Ahrisha,
This is lovely!! That salad dressing sounds wonderful! What a wonderful time to spend with fellow blogger Yvonne. And antiquing too. What a beautiful soup tureen. It was worth every penny. Love that!

Helen said...

Hard to choose my favorite image ... but that cloche ~ be still my heart!! You put so much love and effort into lunch, it sounds totally yummy!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful table and I love the menu! That cloche is adorable and I love that soup tureen. I am also on the lookout for one!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love meeting blog friends! I wish I lived in PA....

Thanks for visiting my blog. It gave me a chance to come over and meet you. Your lunch sounds delicious and I love the tureen you found!

Allison Shops said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Yvonne. Lovely table. Dropping by from BNOTP.


Lynn said...

Very pretty and it sounds like you both had a great day!

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Ahrisha... What a beautiful tablescape! You are right that swan plate is gorgeous! What a sweet hostess you are!

Shugee @ Blue Heron Cottage said...

Arisha, I love this post! And I'm so happy you and Yvonne discovered you lived nearby each other. I was so touched how you two got together. Also, the soup tureen, LOVE it! Such a lovely post.

Gypsy Purple said...

Very very lovely!!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Ahrisha!! OMGosh I'm sooooo excited to have won this beautiful tablecloth!...I know exactly where it's going...outdoors under my little lean-to by the garden! Thank you so much for this lovely giveaway!
How fun to lunch with blog friends, and spend time together antiquing too. Love that soup tureen, what a steal!
hugs from lower Delaware:)

Marigene said...

How wonderful you and Yvonne could have lunch together, visit and then go shopping...perfect day! Your table is lovely, as always. I think you did hit the jackpot finding that beautiful tureen.

Maryrose said...

Hi Arisha,
I am a recent follower of Yvonne, and just adore her blog, how lucky for you. Now I shall be a new follower of lucky for me!!!
Your lunch looked and sounded delicious and how fun to antique afterward. Your cloth...$3.00 really? is devine and I am anxious to hear what was in the box. The cloche is darling.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

Anita Diaz said...

Wow how fun that must have been!!! Beautiful food too. I must try that dressing. Love the tureen also. Thanks for sharing your lovely day:-)

Dreamgoddess said...

How wonderful that you and Yvonne were able to meet! Your table was so beautiful. I love your tureen - it's simply stunning! The swan handles are beautiful.

Jan Hennings said...

Your table setting is just gorgeous!

Kathleen said...

Oh how pretty! The table is wonderful and lunch sounds delicious.
I love your new cake stand, and the tureen is FABULOUS!
I can't wait to see what Yvonne bought..I love her blog too!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

That tureen is gorgeous!!!

suzyq said...

What a very pretty luncheon table...I wish I lived closer to all you girls!!
I just love 'doing lunch'!!

The Blackwood Cottage said...

Beautiful, beautiful home and blog! I wish I lived near you! Have a great weekend.

Carolyn said...

What a nice day you had and so nice to meet another lovely blogger. Great soup tureen you found.


Renée said...

Bloggers always have time for a party! Way to go, meeting and having such a delish time...I'm going to the kitchen and whip up your blue cheese dressing right now.
Thanks and have a happy weekend.

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Very pretty table. The tureen is gorgeous. It looks as if you and Yvonne had a great day.
Greetings, Johanna

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

My dear friend, I read your lovely post and relived our wonderful day together.

The minute you opened the door of your home to me I knew that we would have a very magical day and be friends.

You are a fabulous hostess! Your home is so beautiful, creative and inviting! And the table, lunch and attention to detail were all perfect, just perfect!

I am so glad you posted your delicious bleu cheese dresssing. Now I need the recipe to those absolutely delicious pickled beets. I could have licked the plate.
And the sabayon made me feel very french. It was light and creamy and very very yummy.

All was perfect... ( I think I said that before) and I even got the most beautiful handmade gift. The dear little bottle is sitting in my study where I can see it right now!

I am sure we will do many trips of antiquing together in that mecca of vintage, right in near your home. And I want to get to the french shop. It looked so pretty even though we could only look through the window!

But honestly, the best part of the day was meeting you. You are just the best!!!!! I so enjoyed our chattering and sharing!

Arisha, Thank you for spoiling me so. I had the best day!
Love and blessings,

Miss Merry said...

What a lovely table and what delicious food! Just wonderful.

Your swan plate and tureen are stunning, what a lucky lady you are!

Carousel Dreams said...

Ahrisha, so lovely that you stopped by my blog - it's always lovely to welcome new friends. Your lunch sounds divine, and such treasures you found! Isn't this blogging world fabulous that we can connect with people from all over the world. Looking forward to reading more x

Tammy at Tammy Loves Dishes said...

What a great day you two had. I can't wait to try your dressing recipe; it sounds delicious!

Donna (Timeless Settings) said...

What a great tureen! I love the swan handles! Sounds like a wonderful day. This is my first visit, love your blog!

Julia said...

Gorgeous setting!!! You do those table dressings to a whole new level Arisha! Wish I could go to a lunch at YOUR house. :)

Julia said...

Oh gosh I can't spell for the life of me . . . Ahrisha!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I'm looking for ways sto improve myself and I think I just might have a site.


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Hi Arisha...thank you for stopping by! I love the tatted doily! My Nana used to tat and I wish I had some of her work. Your post brought back alot of nice memories today, thank you!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Love that tureen! You are the second person who I've read found a beautiful white tureen. Even though I don't do stews, soups or chili in the warmer months, I am definitely going to be on the look-out for one of these for myself!

Jennifer said...

Fabulously gorgeous! So inspiring!!! Looks like everything was wonderful!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

To say your table was beautiful is an understatement! Just completely lovely! What a special day you two had together!

Bet we get to see the beautiful tureen in future posts! Can't wait.

Kindly, ldh

Donna said...

Hi there,
How nice that you got to meet a blogging friend! Sounds like you had a wonderful day, and a great meal (that dessert sounds great!). Love the cute cloche she gave you. thanks so much for visiting my blog, and your nice comments!

Kathy said...

How very lovely! Your luncheon reminded me of a delightful French bistro called La Madeleine. The soup tureen is simply gorgeous! Definitely a great deal!

Mary Bergfeld said...

This is such a beautiful post. I love the recipes for the blue cheese dressing and the sabayon. They both sounds delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful day day. Blessings...Mary

Maria said...

Oh how lovely your visit together must have been! and that soup tureen! Now you BOTH have "swan" tureens!
Such a sweet post!


Hi Arisha, You have such a lovely blog. How nice that Yvonne and you were able to meet for lunch and shopping. Your tablescape is beautiful and all your food looks so delicous, desert looks yummy. I'm a new follower of yours and I look forward to coming back for many more visits.

CathyH said...

What a beautiful table setting!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Hi Ahrisha...I received my beautiful tablecloth yesterday...Thankyou so much! I just love's even more beautiful in person!
We do get to Rehoboth Beach of our favorite spots (especially during the off season)!
thanks again & have a wonderful weekend!

Sue said...

Arisha, Your table is set so lovely! I really like how you used the books for elevation and topped them with a doily. Isn't it so much fun to meet fellow bloggers and go on outings with them? I will have to try your dressing recipe- it sounds delish. Oh, and your tureen is so very pretty. I love the handles.
:-) Sue

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

What a beautiful luncheon you had! Everything was just perfect! Now I'm off to see what was in the yellow box! ;-)
