I guess it's the unusually cold and snowy winter that is making me want to cook comfort foods. Pasta and bread two of my favorites. How about you, what are your winter favorites to cook? This is a plate of one of my favorite pasta dishes and it's so easy.
It's an oldie but goodie I just love this cookbook. I've had this book for years and made many a recipe from it. I'm not even sure if it is still in publication.
Two things I specially love about this book are,
all the recipes I have tried have been winners and ~ ~
there is a story that goes with every recipe.
Maybe the first time they tried this dish was in Italy and they raved so about it that the chef invited them into the kitchen to see how it is made. With notebook and pen in hand they witnessed the dish being made and copied the recipe to share with us.
This is my kind of cookbook, infused with stories. I always read them like a novel.
Don't you just love recipe books?
Fresh Made Bread. What a Delight!
With homemade Apricot Jam.
Not bad. It was chewy and crusty just like I like it.
Very easy to make.
I hope you like it.
So simple yet good enough for company.
Foodie Friday. Stop by for other recipes and to share in the fun.
Stay warm and dry and Enjoy your weekend.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Wow, does that ever look fabulous! I'm going to have to look for the book, but first I'm going to endulge in that yummy recipe!
Ahrisha, my Dad LOVES white clam sauce- I make it whenever I think he needs a treat. Maybe tonight.....
xoxo Pattie
The cold winter has us all craving our favorites; and your pasta is just that type of dish. Awesome looking bread, too. Bet it was perfect for dipping in the clam sauce.
Many thanks for helping to keep the winter days at bay...
The pasta looks delicious and the bread is amazing. I love your dishes, and the setting - it's comfort food with comfort stuff - PERFECT.
Your bread looks beautiful! I wish I could make bread that looked so perfect :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Its new, but I'm having fun!
(PA indeed. I'm currently in Kennett Square.)
~Aubree Cherie
The pasta looks and sounds fantastic...bread too! I love your transferware dishes you served it in! Come over to my blog and see the transferware. I like your blog background as well.
Ha! It's always about food for me, no matter the season -grin-.
I love that pasta and what you do with it... really, the plate is so lovely!!! This is a great book, why don't I have it!!
The food looks sooooooooo good, especially after a day of snacking on sweets all day. My body craves something good and healthy!
Thanks for your input about the mold in our lake house. I have only been in it twice since all this happened and both times I have come home sick as a dog for the rest of the day. I have decided I can't go back in again until the air quality people have given the okay! Yes, I am going to have lots of shopping to do!! :o)
Beautiful post! I'm going to make this pasta. Your photos are so lovely!
There is no HomeGoods in Lancaster, but I go to Downingtown. There is a SteinMart, Wegman's and HomeGoods all within a couple of mile of eachother.
Thanks for the great recipe and look at your cookbook.
I love pasta and a wonderful crusty bread. I want to find a great bread recipe.
I hope your husband gets a special day, too for caring for his dad.
Will you share the recipe for the bread as well? Thanks in advance! Cheers, Julie
All that great looking food is making me hungry, especially that bread. Yum!
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