I get Martha's Cookie a Day by email and when this recipe showed up in my mailbox the other day I knew I had to give it a try right away. If you are a sugar cookie lover these are the best I have ever eaten! They got rave reviews on her site.
So tell me, What do you collect?
On to the baking again. Ingredients at the ready. Do you get everything measured out ahead of time when you bake or are you a measure as you do girl?
Cookies ready for the oven. These are Big cookies only 6 to a pan.
My assistant has his own directors stool in the kitchen and here you can see that he fell assleep on the job. He is the best pet friend I have ever had. He loves to be with me when I'm working in the kitchen.
Cookies fresh and warm from the oven.
The cake plate was a favorite wedding gift many years ago.
My thanks to Michael Lee for hosting this Foodie Friday. Please be sure to visit her blog to see the list of everyone who joined in for the fun this week.
Make it a wonderful weekend~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
What a charming post. Your assistant looks very professional :-) and the cookies look delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Your cookies look scrumptious! The plate is lovely, and I like your idea of a collection of all different plates with a theme. I collect vintage hammered aluminum (just look on back on my blog to see), vintage milk glass, and several other things. Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on the dishes. I collect tea pots and also tons of dust and junk really. I have a collection of Boyds bears but packed them away as they were multiplying faster then bunnies:) I also measure all my ingredients first and then if the phone rings or I get distracted I know what still needs to go into the bowl. Many times I measure out the dry ingredients for cookies and put them in baggies and label them for several different batches. Saves me a tiny bit of time on a day that I have tons of other things going on. Since you say the Martha Cookies are good I will try them. I did make her Strawberry cookies and posted about them on my blog this summer. I just posted about Black and White cookies this week and someone said that Marthas are good also so I need to try those out one day soon.
Wow - what do I collect. Now there's a loaded question. Kitchen gadgets, Jadeite dishes, Pyrex Refrigerator dishes, Pyrex Butternut pattern (love E-Bay), and Recipes!
Thanks for the cookie recipe - it's already printed off.
Oh - and I used to be a "measure as you go" baker, but I'm trying to change that and have everything measured out - it's a hard habit to break!
Your cookies look YUMMY!!! and I love your PRETTY!!! plate. I have become a follower of your blog, come by and visit my blog and maybe do the same. Geri
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, the sweet comments, and the encouragement. I'm just getting started so I'll get better at it. I love the floral pattern plate idea, each different and unique. And those cookies looked yummy, I bet they're all gone by now.
I'm following you now, so I look forward to future postings.
I collect Pfaltzgraff china as I stumble upon pieces now, it's been my china pattern ever since it came out in the 80's. I also love antiques.
Lillie Mae
Those Cookies sound great. I remember those plates from when I was little. I still see them at yard sales every once in awhile.
Hello - and what a great plate! The cookies look fine, fine. Thank you for visiting my blog!
Thanks for visiting my blog--it's a pleasure meeting you.
I have been collecting dinnerware and pottery for years just in the color of earthy greens, and mix and match as you are planning to do. Then when one gets broken, it's not such a big deal, and the pieces just go into my mosaics!
I love the idea of floral plates! You will have so much fun, and it will make for a lovely table.
I collect books, succulents, interesting fabrics for collage, vintage clothes, arts and crafts pottery, teapots, and more recently buttons with birds, flowers, and bugs.
As for cooking, mostly I just make educated guesses when I cook, having spent years actually following recipes and measuring things out. Some of my best creations come when the pantry is low and I have to figure out what to make out of the oddball remaining items!
Hello again Ahrisha,
Yes there is hope for you finding those pieces at yard sales. I don't know how yard sales are in your area, but here in Hermitage, Pa., you have to be about the first one there to get any of the deals. Yard sales here are pretty much over for the year, now it is onto the indoor sales that the churches have.
Good luck to you in finding your matching plates. When you least expect, There it is.
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