A Bright and Shiny Horse.
A Horse I could Call My Own. . .
Remember this chipmunk song?
You may be too young to remember.
My favorite song when I was a kid.
I thought if I sang it really long and hard
my horse would appear.
window one morning this week.

Was I thrilled or what?!
This is the first time there were horses
in this pasture.

Look, he spotted me taking his picture.
Lovely big work horses in the pasture next door.
They belong to the Mennonite neighbor up the road.
I was one of those kids who always wanted a horse. Still haven't got one.
But, we are getting closer wouldn't you say?
If you could see the farmers son bring the horses
down the road to the pasture
you may not believe it.
I got a good laugh the first time I saw him.
Picture this.
Teenage boy on a bicycle riding down the road
with the horses bridle in his left hand and
the horse walking along beside the bike.
Now you tell me but if that horse really wanted
to head in a different direction I don't
think the young boy on the bike
would have a chance of stopping him.

This is what goes on around here this time of year.
Was I thrilled or what?!
This is the first time there were horses
in this pasture.
Look, he spotted me taking his picture.
Lovely big work horses in the pasture next door.
They belong to the Mennonite neighbor up the road.
I was one of those kids who always wanted a horse. Still haven't got one.
But, we are getting closer wouldn't you say?
If you could see the farmers son bring the horses
down the road to the pasture
you may not believe it.
I got a good laugh the first time I saw him.
Picture this.
Teenage boy on a bicycle riding down the road
with the horses bridle in his left hand and
the horse walking along beside the bike.
Now you tell me but if that horse really wanted
to head in a different direction I don't
think the young boy on the bike
would have a chance of stopping him.
This is what goes on around here this time of year.
Hi Arisha,
What great photos, very old worldly:-)
I am the same as you always wanted a horse. It topped my Christmas list every year. Like somehow that would happen in a tiny yard in L.A.
At my last house I like you had a pasture with horses behind my house, many wonderful hours were spent watching their beauty!
Wonderful pictures Ahrisha! That's got to be one beautiful view you have. I am one of those who is afraid of horses (silly, I know) but my daughter rides..makes me so proud:)
Have a great day!
Neat photos and a great story. I always wanted a horse. When I took lessons I found I was allergic to them! lol!! But for you...it's never too late! ;-D
Such wonderful pictures! You've made me miss our old home in the Hudson Valley even more!
xoxo Pattie
Ahrisha, this is soooooo beautiful. It looks like you live in Gods Country. Thanks so much for the post and the wonderful words.
Oh Ahrisha..how wonderful that you can look out your window at these gorgeous animals...I always wanted a horse too - a beautiful palomino (although I have always secretly wanted a pet donkey too!)
Hi Arisha:
How have I missed coming here before? You have always left such lovely comments for me (including today) but I've been remiss in visiting you. I promise I'll be back to explore all around your place, and I've joined your followers list, too!
I love horses, but am a bit afraid of them. I've been thrown more times than I can remember (ok, well, at least TWO...but once is too many), and love looking at them, but wouldn't want to own one. I've cleaned up after dogs for 50 years and can't even fathom the amount of work to clean horse stalls. (Hope I haven't put you off your dream yet!)
I DO know that I'd be making friends with your Mennonite neighbors just so I could pet their lovely, big work horses!
Off to finish my studio projects in time for the WBCII event tomorrow. I'll be back soon to explore, I promise!
Beautiful pictures, Ahrisha! I hope you get your horse one of these days. As you said, you're getting closer. I think you're right about the horse and the bicycle boy -- that will be a very one-sided contest!
The hay barn on the farm where I grew up still has the big metal fork on a track for moving loose hay from the wagons to the barn. People have stopped and asked to buy it, but my dad keeps it for sentimental reasons. We had baled hay by the time I was old enough to help on the farm -- hot, itchy work. I liked riding, grooming, and playing with the horses much better!
Peaking in at your blog today. You live in such a beautiful area of our country. We use to go there often when we lived in So. Jersey. Lucky you to see such beautiful horses.
Thank you for visiting my blog because it brought me to your post. I live in California but my son lives in Philadelphia and while visiting last September, we took a trip to Lancaster and it was raining but didn't stop me from enjoying the town and countryside. I would love to visit again. Your photos are beautiful and just make you think of slowing down and enjoying the moment. Thanks so much for sharing.
great post, i love horses of all kinds too, but lots of work, better to just enjoy other horses around you!!!
So beautiful!! We lived in PA for a 'very' short time ;)...Couldn't do the Winters...love your pictures!
I love horses too! Thank you for your sweet sentiments! Yes, I do know of David Delamar. His art is wonderful to get lost in! Blessings...Eden
I too love horses, to bits!
My children would love to have one each!
That would be 3 horses in total and a lot of manure to clean! Yakes! Lol
Although first we would had to have a home in the countryside!
Which is one of my dreams... fingers crossed will one day come through!
What great pictures! And a totally different way of life! Thanks so much for visiting. Yes, we do have some wonderful islands in the Great Lakes. My very favorite is Mackinac Island. You may have heard of it? It was featured in the movie "Somewhere in Time". One of these days I will have to do a post about it! Have a great weekend :)
Oh, I love Lancaster County! In the last 4 years I have been out to Pennsylvania about 8 times. May daughter and her husband were living in Hershey while he went to Med school. My favorite thing to do was to go through Lancaster County and visit all of the cute shops and see these same sights that you have pictures of. I am going to miss it, he graduated this May and they moved to Nebraska. Thanks for the pictures they are great!
Your blog is just beautiful and love your photos and recipes.
Thanks for stopping by mine. I am a follower
Beautiful Post! Love it...
Gorgeous! We have a horse and it is such a joy to look out and see him out grazing every day. I am glad you can enjoy watching them. I've been looking all through your blog. It is very cheerful and welcoming. Thanks! Lisa~
Lovely. Nothing lie the scent of hay, though actually going "hayin"" is not the most fun....especially if you're the one up in the loft breathing the hay chaff. :) I love the big old work horses too....so handsome!!!!
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