Here it is right in the front. The prettiest tea cup I own. Why not show us yours. Whenever I have a cup of tea I like to use this cup. I must admit to coffee as my first love, Sorry tea. I occasionally like a cup of Black Chi Tea, Stash Brand in the red and black box, with a big spoonful of local honey. I also enjoy Earl Gray tea.
I set my table with my new quilted table cover over a lace cloth. You all know that I must have lace. Love it.
Sweet pink lace edge on the napkin too.
Oh yes, I made brownies too in honor of the tea.
Best brownie recipe I have ever eaten.
I found it at one of my favorite
cooking blogs, "2 Stews".
If you are not familiar with this blog you really should check it out.
These girls can cook!
I made the full recipe and baked it in a 9 X 13 pan for about 2 hours.
When I make them again I will use two 8 X 8 square pans instead.
Just saying. They are decadent!
Oh yes, and I added pecans too.
Oh yes, and I added pecans too.
The ceramic eggs are Moms. Many years ago she made ceramics and every year we have sweet little eggs to put out for Easter.
This is my Easter Egg tree. It's a wire tree and I drape eggs on it for Easter. These little peeps are so sweet and I love to get them out every year. Isn't it fun each year to see all the old and treasured pieces we have gathered over the years. I enjoy greeting them each Spring.
Please visit Lady Katherine for Tuesday Tea
if you have a few minutes.
I'm sure that she would love to see you.
Thanks so much for visiting me and enjoy your week.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Your table is very sweet, Ahrisha. I love the little nest and ceramic eggs. Your tea cups are so pretty. Did you know there is now a Lady Grey tea that is not as strong as Earl Grey. I haven't tried it yet. I love tea in the evening but I have to have coffee to wake me up! ;-)
Love your Easter egg tree, too. Very cute. And yes, the brownies look decadent!
I adore your cup and would probably use it for my coffee- I, too, am not generally a tea drinker. Such a pretty table
xoxo Pattie
Very nice and the brownies look yummy. The quilted center piece is an eye catcher.
Such a pretty tea cup. Earl Grey is one of my favorites also. Love that Easter tree....very cute.
Your cups are beautiful. I love both coffee and tea. I recently discovered how wonderful the Earl Grey is a Starbucks (TAZO brand).
Your table says Spring! Your tea cups are so lovely! The eggs are wonderful,as is the quilted topping! I love your show and tell of the easter tree, covered in eggs with the bird on top. That a wonderful Tree! I drink my hot,cold, or coffee in my tea cups! Make me feel so happy to drink in a lovely cup! Just love your Spring setting! Thank you for joining me today for Tea Time Tuesday! I so happy you did. I adore brownies! I could eat the whole pan. lol
My Mr. Linky went away can you come back and link your post to Tea Time Tuesday. So Sorry
Such a wonderful setting, very inviting and warm!I also love tea and coffee and even have beautiful cup for my every mood :-))).
Thank you for the wonderful comment you have left for me in my Blog. My grandparents died when I was young too, but I cherish every memory of them that I have.:-)))
I totally agree--that's the most beautiful tea cup ever. Your mother's eggs are beautiful and so are your photographs.
Such a pretty Tea Post and I love your Easter Egg Tree!!
Darling, thank you for allowing me to browse through your interesting posts and lovely photos. I enjoyed my visit and taking tea with you and I look forward to my future visits.
Love & Hugs
What a beautiful teacup. Yummy brownies too. Your table is very inviting.
Your table is absolutely stunning. I love your favorite teacup and also the cups in the background of that shot. Beautiful tablescape!
Thank you so very much for visiting my blog several times now! It is an absolute delight having you visit dear lady!
I so love what you have created my dear ! Such a lovely and warmly welcoming table vignette, I simply adore it!
Thank yo for your kind and encouraging comments refernece my art work; I really appreciate your words of regard! I'm glad that you also enjoyed the little 'mannequin, jewelry display doll' that I created of my niece!
(eI have mad about twenty such dolls and I will show them as a little grouping and tablescape vignette sometime soon perhaps)..,
Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plume Pen
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